Because She Makes Me Laugh

Written by Chelsea Samms

Brainfood MVPs Intern


They say, “You never know what you’ve got until its gone,” and this came to mind last week as I thought about the absence of all the MVP’s vibrant faces. I spent all 
last week counting down the days until the MVPs would return from their spring break. Before class on Tuesday, I got antsy just hearing them walk down the
hallway to the kitchen.  I greeted all the students with a huge smile and made sure they knew how much I missed them.


I personally spent the entire class catching up with each student about their spring breaks and their first day back to school. It was a normal class full of laughter and creativity. We ended class with a classic Brainfood closing question, “Who was someone you appreciated today and why?” We all took turns going around naming people we appreciated during class. We were almost finished when one student took me by surprise by saying, “I appreciated Chelsea because she always makes me laugh.”


It was at that moment I realized that I am more than just an intern. Yes, it is my job to help manage the class alongside Maeve, but there is always room for camaraderie. It felt good not only to be appreciated but to know that I am putting smiles on our students’ faces. This moment reassured me that I am indeed having an impact on our students. Being close in age with them sometimes makes it hard to build that line of respect as an authoritative figure in the class yet still be kind of “cool.” However, after Tuesday’s class, I think I’ve mastered this challenge!


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