Springing Forward
1. Seedling Alley is up and running! Lyssa, our masterful garden manager, has a whole plan for this planting season, which she’s mapped out meticulously with all kinds of maps and charts. Over the past few weeks, JaNeya, our DC Career Connections Intern at our Chinatown site, and I have helped Lyssa with planting hundreds of little seeds in trays at our Mount Vernon site. As these seedlings have been warmed and watered in their corner of our kitchen, they’ve really sprouted and grown! We’re all very excited about the prospect of harvesting broccoli, cauliflower, onions, parsley, and much much more in just a few months.
2. Our Community MVPs are ramping up their workshop presence. Rooting DC – the District’s local urban agriculture forum, which took place on February 27th– marked our MVP’s fourth official workshop this year! These veteran Brainfood participants chose to focus on the age old question of how to eat healthy on a budget. Look out for more awesome MVP’s workshops as the spring rolls on, and get inspired by their creativity and
3. In Kitchen All Stars, springtime means student requests! Now that our participants have mastered the kitchen basics, we want them to take charge of what we make in the kitchen. After surveying our youth, the KAS team has slotted some awesome student requests
for the next few months – how about a healthy version of Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo? Or Mini-Cheesecakes? Gumbo anybody? I for one am looking forward to learning with our students about their favorite foods and sharing the experience of cooking and eating them with our KAS community!
4. A new season calls for a fresh look! Brainfood Homegrown recently launched some new packaging, as well as some great original snacks. Check out our classic kale chips in their sleek new sleeves, as well as

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