Four Things at Brainfood That Warm Our Hearts on Cold and Snowy Days
Winter has officially arrived in DC, but here at Brainfood there is plenty to bring us warm fuzzies in the midst of icy weather:
1. Teamwork from our youth Participants and Volunteers
With smaller groups of students present in class due to this wintry weather, our adult volunteers have therare chance to dosome hands-on cooking! While the volunteers and students see each other on a regular basis, they really got to know each other we
2. Team Homegrown making fresh ginger soda
The warming, spicy flavor of ginger is the perfect ingredient for a wintry all-natural homemade soft drink. Ginger’s natural qualities can also help boost your immune systems, which is important for anyone who’s been walking outside or shoveling during this winter storm!
3. Our garden is STILL growing!

4. Hearty, warming Shepherd's Pie
Need we say more? There’s nothing better than a steaming dish of stick-to-your-ribs food with weather like this.

What warms your heart on these winter days? Let us know!
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